Teenage Fashion in the 1920s and 1930s

Teenagers in the 1920s


Lori Soard Lori Soard

Both a parent and a substitute teacher, Lori has decades of experience parenting and mentoring teens. In fact, her educational articles take featured in publications like FACES, Cobblestone and AppleSeeds.

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BA Pedagogy, Instructor

Man at steering wheel of convertible car, surrounded by three young women

Teenagers in the 1920s had a lot in common with today'south teens. Just every bit today's teens are celebrating a new century filled with excitement and promise for the future, the teens of the 1920s as well celebrated the marking of a new century and all the promise of tomorrow. Known as the "Roaring 20s," "The Jazz Age," and other nicknames, this was an era of romance, excitement, and America coming into a more than modernistic age.

Teenagers in the 1920s Danced Too

A popular action among tweens and teens today is dancing. Artists such as Silentó have come upwards with hit songs and all the right dance moves to compliment the lyrics. Teens in the 1920s too had dances that were popular and provocative for the time. Some of these dances were brand new while others were just updated steps for older dances.

Favorite dances of young people during this era included:

  • The Charleston - angle and straightening the knees to the beat with periodic heel kicks
  • The Foxtrot - the new proper noun for an erstwhile dance, the One-Footstep; young people added hops with every step
  • Tango - involved shut contact between trip the light fantastic partners and took on a "gaucho" manner
  • Shimmy - a shaking of the upper body
  • Black Bottom - involves side-to-side stepping and more individual performance
  • Deadening Waltz - a partner dance with close concrete contact


Although they may not have enjoyed quite as much freedom as many of today'south teens do, teenagers in the 1920s were able to loosen up a bit. Historians from U.S.History.org suggest, although the term wasn't used and then, the thought of "teenagers" started in the 1920s. During this time you see more stark differences between older and younger children, making them two distinct groups.


Gone were the constricting long dresses and corsets from earlier in the century and replacing those were shorter, flapper style dresses. Many girls wore stockings with the longer skirts. Teen boys wore bomber jackets and tried to await similar the fighter pilots from Globe War I.

Adolescent girls' fashion followed women'south fashion because information technology was the style for young girls and women to dress akin. A 1920s teen girl wardrobe typically included:

  • Fun hats
  • Drop-waist, loose dresses
  • Bloomers
  • Stockings
  • Wool skirts
  • Blouses with wide collars
  • Galoshes
  • Patent leather political party shoes
Young Women Showing Their Garter Belts/ CIRCA 1920'S

Similarly, adolescent boys' fashion from this era looked much like that of an adult man. A teen boy's wardrobe would typically include:

  • Suits in patterns and light colors like gray, blue, or tan with round lapels and loose pants
  • Colorful striped shirts
  • Lace-up dress boots
Three Young Men in Suits


The land was doing well financially and going through a smash in the 1920s, and then most teenagers could hands find jobs. Many chose not to end school, considering they did not need a high schoolhouse educational activity to discover a job paying livable wages. Considering of this, many teens grew upwards more than quickly and lived on their sooner than teens exercise today. According to npr, one one thousand thousand 10-15 yr olds had jobs in 1920. That accounts for about one in twelve kids, half of whom worked on family farms. Other common jobs include being a messenger or working in manufacturing.


Model-T Fords were readily bachelor in a stripped downward, no frills version that was affordable for many families. Most families had but one automobile, just teens were oft allowed to apply them for social purposes on occasion.

CIRCA 1920s: Woman leaning on car


The invention of the automobile also meant kids could be transported further to schoolhouse, then consolidated high schools started to form. Ane-room schoolhouses were no longer acceptable and preferred for educating older adolescents. Time magazine reports that by the 1920s most three quarters of adolescents went to high schools.


Teens in the 1920s were spending four nights each week enjoying unsupervised recreation with friends and peers, co-ordinate to Time. The invention of the automobile helped revolutionize teen dating because these young people could now date in private, rather than in front of their parents. Adolescents in families with cars were ofttimes permitted to drive to:

  • Become to the movies or a vaudeville bear witness
  • Become ice cream
  • Get Coca Colas
  • Drive around leisurely
Couple Kissing / CIRCA 1920'S

Differences Between 1920s and Today's Teens

There are some marked differences between teens in the 1920s and teenagers today.

  • Technology: Teens in the 1920s didn't have cell phones, iPods, or laptop computers, and didn't use a lot of technology. In fact, many did not even have telephones in their homes, and there were no televisions to distract them either. Teenagers spent fourth dimension listening to radio shows and music, socializing with friends, and in the pursuit of diverse arts and studies. Late in the decade, young people could also savor movies with audio for the first time.
  • Teaching: Instruction was non as revered in the 1920s or as essential equally it is today. Many teens took on total-time careers as young as fourteen and quit school. Higher education was available, but non as readily. Information technology was much harder for women to get into college.
  • Gender Roles: Although 1920s teen girls did have quite a bit of independence, women and men had very separate roles to play in order. Women were expected to go married and raise a family, although it wasn't required for survival as it had been in centuries by. Nevertheless, almost girls married and started families rather than pursuing careers. However, women like Amelia Earhart offered the hope that they could really do anything they set their minds to.
  • Music: Jazz was extremely popular in the 1920s. Ragtime and Broadway music was also a favorite. The sound included a lot of contumely instruments and soulful notes. Popular artists included Al Jolson, Paul Whiteman, Mamie Smith, and Edith 24-hour interval.

The Commencement of Teenage Years

To describe teens in the 1920s is to depict an overall attitude of the people at the fourth dimension. Everyone was ecstatic over the end of Globe War I, the new technologies, and booming economy. Things became more relaxed, even fashions. While at that place are similarities between the teens of the 20s and today's teenagers, the 1920s was a unique time in history that will never be fully repeated. Notwithstanding, nosotros are left with hints of independence and a hope for the future that all started in the second decade of the twentieth century.

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